
How to make a ox Steak tartare El Capricho

by | Jul 1, 2020 | Recipes

Rump steak

The rump steak is located in the leg, where the tip of the hip meets the top sirloin on the rack of ribs. It is left to age together with the leg for a month. It has great texture, is juicy and has a lot of flavour, which is why it is fabulous for making steak tartare and fillet steaks, both on the grill and on a griddle cooked very rare, and for breaded fillets. In our store, you can buy a batch of products for seasoning the steak tartare in our style.

Steak Tartare

Preparation: The meat must be cleaned of fat and tendons and chopped into very small pieces with a knife. Place it in a bowl and add all the ingredients. It is very important to the success of the recipe that the pickles and chives should be very finely chopped.
When the meat is thoroughly mixed, place it in a 8 cm square metal mould to shape the tartare, and place some pieces of grilled bread next to it.

Ingredients (serves 2):
220 g rump steak
20 g olive oil
1.7 g coarse sea salt
0.3 g ground green peppercorns
2 g pickled capers
2.5 g gherkins
20 g spring onions
3 g Worcestershire sauce
1 g chilli powder
1.5 g Dijon mustard
5 g ketchup
2 egg yolks (35 g approx.)
Mix the ingredients together gently, stirring from the bottom up, without squashing the meat.

Find it on our online shop:

(Making of Carlos Crespo https://www.lavaritagrafica.com/)

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