
Recipe with ox chuck steak

by | Jul 1, 2020 | Recipes


This comes from the forequarter and is the extension of the top sir- loin towards the neck. The pieces are between 5 and 10 kg but we can prepare them in chunks. Minced, it can be used to make fabu- lous meatballs and top-quality burgers. It is also an excellent cut for stewing steak.

Stewed chuck

Ingredients (Serves 6): 2 kg ox chuck, cleaned and diced into 3 cm cubes 400 g onion cut into cubes 400 g red pepper cut into cubes 250 g puréed tomatoes 20 g garlic 20 g paprika 2 g ground black pepper 1 bay leaf 200 ml red wine Water or broth

Preparation: Sear the seasoned meat over a high heat in oil and remove it from the heat. In the same oil, sauté the onion, pepper and garlic. Then, add the paprika and deglaze with the wine. When the alcohol evaporates from the wine, add the puréed tomatoes and cover with water or broth. Add the bay leaf and black pepper. Cover and cook over a low heat until the meat is very tender.




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