

Our oxen come from ancient Iberian breeds – Avileñan, Retintan, Sayaguesan, Moruchan, Alistanan, Tudancan, Maronesan, Mirandese, Parda, Galician Blonde, Cachenan, Vianese, Minhotan – strains that give hardy, resistant animals that can withstand the shortage of grassland and the hostile climate of this high plateau. These are breeds that have come down through time intact, away from genetic manipulation and the demands of productivity and efficiency that often produce cattle that are rounded, full of meat and without fat. Ours, on the other hand, are old, huge specimens, with a broad chest and narrow legs, slightly hunchbacked, capable of accumulating fats that will offer a gastronomic experience from another time, with flavours and textures we thought had been lost.